Club FOC – Bekasi
At this time I'll tell you about a motorcycle club
Suzuki Satria FU in Bekasi are FOC - Bekasi (FU 150 Owners Club).
be a pride for its members to be able to introduce the city at the same club as
his birthplace on the world stage two-wheeled community. One of them FU 150
Owners Club - Bekasi (FOC-Bekasi). Declared on February 21-2010, FOC Bekasi has
the objective to, accommodate and bring together owners of Suzuki Satria FU 150
to become a member of FOC. Instilling a
sense of awareness for Bekasi FOC members to obey traffic peratuarn in
berkendara.Menyelenggarakan social activities, whether conducted by the members
or in cooperation with other parties.
Bekasi already has 61 official members and 15 members of participants, which is
where one of them there as a member of a club that has no regist 46. They used
the gathering on Jl KH Noer Ali, Bekasi, exactly in front of Natasha Skin Care.
They gathered from 20:00 pm until finished. Forum gathering to be used as a
tool for the management and members to create two-way communication with the
breath of democracy, which is usually held on Sunday 2nd of each month. Where
every member of ber right to issue their aspirations. Not only gathering
activities, FOC Bekasi also has a regular schedule of futsal member or have a
friendly with other communities. Other agenda is social service among others
sympathize orphans, Ta'jil on the road in the month of Ramadhan.
accordance with the expectations of its members, namely, that FOC Bekasi that
FOC Bekasi his forwards getting bigger and could provide advantages and
benefits for members, others, and the community to the environment. For that
FOC Bekasi had regular agenda for each visit to the residence of its members.
This opportunity was also used as a means to socialize with family members of
members who visit. Meanwhile, to strengthen the relationship between
communities, they used to come to the biker community where other clubs in
agendakan every 2 weeks. As for long-distance touring agenda, carried out three
times in a year that was also used as a means of fostering a sense of
solidarity among the members.
Bekasi FOC members who intentionally breach the provisions of disciplinary
rules of the organization, can be given sanction be dismissed from the
membership FOC Bekasi. Info for brother Suzuki Satria FU 150 users who already
have the legality of the drive and interested FOC Bekasi, they can be met at a
gathering, or feel free to come directly to the secretariat FOC Bekasi
Sartika is the daughter of Raden Somanagara, a fighter from West Java. He was
born on December 4, 1884 in Cicalengka, Bandung, West Java. His father, Raden
Somanagara, died in exile in Ternate for opposing pemerintaha Netherlands.
Dewi Sartika, aspires to promote Indonesian women.
Dewi Sartika habits in childhood is playing school-girls school with peers.
Dewi Sartika always served as teachers and friends as a student.
1904, Dewi Sartika set up a girls' school called the School's wife. His
students are taught math, reading, writing, sewing, embroidery, crochet, and
others. Schools that got the attention of the public so that his students more
and more.
1910, the name was changed to the School Wife School Wife Virtue. An instructor
was increased. Dewi Sartika try to educate children so that girls would become
a good housewife, independent, flexible and skilled.
do Dewi Sartika in Bandung attract women in other areas. In Garut, Tasikmalaya,
Purwakarta, and others, came the School of Virtue wife. Dewi Sartika a lot of
energy and thoughts help of her husband, Raden Agah Kanduruan Suriawinata.
During the war of independence, Bandung was occupied by the Dutch. Dewi Sartika
forced cease their activities and fled
to Cineam, Tasikmalaya. He dies the world on September 11, 1947 at Cineam,
Tasikmalaya. Then, his grave was moved to Bandung.
and Water Cycle
have a vital role to maintain the continuity of the water cycle. Forest works
like a giant sponge. Litigation pohin and foliage in the forest litter to
encourage the infiltration of rainwater into the ground. Rainwater that seeped
into the soil can be fertilized the soil and stored into groundwater. The
ground water will exit back to the surface as springs that are clear and rich
in minerals for everyday purposes by rivers and lakes.
deforested, the water should be absorbed into the ground water flows directly
into rivers and lakes. This can result in reduced soil water reserves. Water
quality will also decline. In addition, it can cause flooding and landslides
around the river in the rainy season and drought in the dry season.
Indonesia and Singapore
has bilateral relations with Singapore. Over the years, the two countries relationship
high-level state visit. This relationship is characterized by a strong economic
cooperation. In recent years, Singapore has consistently been the largest
foreign investor in Indonesia. Cooperation between Indonesia and Singapore,
including the areas of health, defense, and the environment.
between Indonesia and Singapore is encouraged because of geographical
proximity. Singapore is a country that berbartasan directly with Indonesia.
Relations between Indonesia and Singapore starting from the time of the ancient
kingdom of the 7th century.
is located in the path of the busiest maritime trade in the Strait of Malacca
and serves as one of the main centers of world trade. Trade with and through
Singapore becomes important for Indonesia to provide trade lanes throughout the
world. Trade is a general primary motivation for the two countries are in a
relationship of cooperation.
of the main tasks of the kidneys is to filter "junk" from the blood.
Most of the waste is the result of chemical reaction when the blood break down
nutrients into our bodies. Others are materials that are not needed by the body
because it is available. Garbage must be removed. Well, this is where the role
of the kidney. In addition, the kidneys also play a role to maintain the
balance of fluids and minerals in the body. These tasks performed kidneys every
second without stopping. In addition, the kidneys also produce hormones that
tell your body to make red blood cells.